
So far my career in the bicycle industry spans fifteen years, I started working at a bike hire centre in the New Forest. My previous experience of retail and my passion for riding quickly earned me a roll in the shop linked to the hire centre. As my confidence and ability grew I became more and more interested in the workshop. I accumulated as much knowledge and asked as many questions as I could. Moving to Brighton started turning my dream of owning my own bike shop into a plan.

I always wanted a shop I would go to if I didn't own a bike shop.

Mechanical skill isn't the only aspect of having a successful and popular shop, ability needs to run in tandem with customer service. I have always expressed patience, understanding and passion to my clients. As cyclists we love our bikes and want our mechanic to care for them as much as we do. Developing a long standing relationship with my customers has meant my level of service is extremely high. Bikes can be complex and nuanced, having an insight into how often and how they are ridden makes servicing easier for me to sustain.

Formerly my shop was called Rule 5 Bikes, although small the shop had an exceptional buzz around it until financial difficulty forced its closure in 2019. Within it's first two years it was nominated for “Best in Store Experience” and “Best Independent Shop” by Bike Biz magazine, against huge companies that had been established for decades.
I haven't limited myself to the shop and have actively shared my passion with the community. This has earned me a place in the local “scene”, I have supported and mechaniced at numerous events and races. I'm proud to have worked with Kinesis UK, Morvelo, Mason and Reilly Cycleworks. I have also organised the renowned Summer Sendoff, which has to be one of the most fun, challenging and inclusive cycling events in Sussex.